I was having a recent conversation with a client who said something very similar to the message in this lyric.
They talked about how they’d wished they’d done this or that thing in their career and how much better it would be if they had.
I asked why she described the experience that way? She said something interesting, that she didn’t feel she had the TIME to make the choices she knew were right ones for her.
We have this way of being when relating to time. We all have the same number of hours in the day. So, why do people say “I didn’t have enough time to do what I really want to do?”
We all have the same amount of time, but we prioritize it differently.
There’s no judgement here; live at the beach and surf, get a doctorate, travel the world, climb the hierarchy, make more money, etc. It’s your life. There will be costs & benefits no matter what you spend time on.
So how do you want to spend your time? Do you understand what is getting in the way? Do you have a plan? Are you bumping against obstacles like uncertainty, doubt, fear or lack of clarity?
Let’s talk that through and make a plan together for how you want to spend your time.
I coach leaders, teams and individuals to be comfortable in their own skin, true to themselves and committed to real and lasting change in their life, their company and relationships.
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